Sunday, August 22, 2010

Every time you see a beautiful woman, just remember, somebody got tired of her.

I can't believe I almost forgot to blog today! :/
But, here I am... Blogging.
This morning as I was driving to church looking all snazzy in my brand new stinking awesomely cute new purple shirt I decided to spill my iced coffee on myself. Well, by spill, I mean dribbled. I was drinking my coffee from a straw. I really have no idea how I managed that. But, no worries, I washed my shirt when I got home and it came out. So thankful!
Today I got to hang out with Calie. She's so great! We ate, watched movies, and played Diddy Kong Racing. Calie and I used to play Diddy all the time back in high school. We even brought it on road trips. We were OBSESSED! Well, today we got it out and played like 6 races. I couldn't believe how horrible I had gotten since high school. I'm ashamed. Also, it's not as fun as I remember. Calie concurs. So that ended pretty quick. Isn't it crazy how things change in our lives? I also got to hang out with Preston tonight. Preston just got back form a mission trip to Haiti. He didn't really talk about it, but I think he had a grand time (at least that's what I've kinda gotten from his tiny comments about it). It was a good time. I always enjoy hanging out with my good friends.
Tomorrow I leave for my cabin, then on Thursday I go to the cities to visit Liz. I also have a nanny job interview on Thursday!!!! So excited! Please pray that it goes well. :) Then Friday, I head to David's and on Saturday we leave for Illinois to move him down there. Kinda lame, but I'm super excited to hang out with his family and well, him. :) After I get back from Illinois, I have a weekend at home and then I move up to school. Crazy! Summer is basically gone. But not officially! So I'm going to milk it as much as I can.
Sad sidenote: My camera (no worries, it's my little baby camera) has officially bit the dust. The stupid lens won't go back in. And! I didn't drop it. I know I didn't.
Well, bedtime! I can't believe I managed to stay up until 12:25. I was ready for bed at 6! Guess friends make you more alive. Night!

P.S. Today's quote is not because I like it. But, because I think it's sad. And lame, so to whoever wrote that quote, I think you're lamesauce!

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