Thursday, September 2, 2010

"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck."

I almost forgot to blog tonight! I was just laying in bed trying to sleep when it hit me. "I didn't blog yet." Well, here I am, blogging.
This morning I woke up and lounged. I figured I should take advantage of the opportunity to do that. So I did. I finished Lost season 4 today. Ok, seriously. Lost is just getting ridiculous at the point. I'm pretty sure I make fun of it more than enjoy it. And yet, I can't stop watching it. It's like I'm addicted or something. Haha!
Well, today I cleaned out my car and got my oil changed. Now when i say cleaned out my car, I mean I really cleaned the crap out of it. I found mouse poop in my glove compartment. Well, I vacuumed that up. I actually even wiped down my dash and everything. It's looking good I must say.
Let's see, what else did I do today. Oh, I went to Walmart to buy some games and groceries. Turns out they don't sell good card games, such as Five Crowns. So, I just bought groceries. I was mad. I have no idea where to find Five Crowns. I suppose I'll have to go to a game store in the cities sometime. Good thing I'm moving to the cities soon. And wow, is it soon. I leave in 3 mornings!!!! Crazy! Well, I basically have everything packed up. I want to load up my car (yes, I like planning ahead, and it's not as ridiculous as it sounds. I'm going to be at Lifelight all weekend. Which reminds me, if you like Family Force Five, you should come with me. I'll be the girl singing at the top of her lungs and trying to dance cooly but not succeeding), but I have a senior photo session on Saturday morning, so I guess I'll load it up Saturday afternoon before heading out to Lifelight for the day.
Well, I'm going to bed. Yes, at 10:40. I'm becoming more and more ridiculous each day. Next thing I know I'm going to enjoy exercising. And the day that happens is the day I die. Night!

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